Reflections – a blog for women
“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. 2 Cor. 3:17-18
One evening a couple weeks ago I received a call from Dave as he was on the way home from a meeting at church. He excitedly told me to “Hurry out to the driveway and look in the sky toward town. There is the biggest, most awesome moon you have ever seen.” In true Dave style, barely by the time I got in the driveway he sped up to the house and rushed me into the car so we could drive down the street to clearly see this sight before it disappeared. And guess what? He was right – it was magnificent!
No matter how many times you have seen a harvest moon hanging low in the horizon, it is a wonder anew every time. That experience started me thinking about the moon. Its beauty is only observed as a reflection of the sun. It has no power or source of light on its own, but only what it receives by reflecting the mighty source of the sun. What a powerful illustration of our life in Christ! Without the “Son” we have no intrinsic power or beauty of our own but with Him we are a glorious reflection of His glory and power and beauty!
As I have meditated on this, I have become aware of the reflected beauty and strength evident in the women of our church community. In the past few weeks I have witnessed a bride radiating with love for her waiting groom. A mom tirelessly painting and transforming a house into a home for her family. A young woman glowing with adoration as she danced her expressions of worship to the Lord. A dear lady accepting news of cancer invading her body with stalwart faith. A daughter-in-law lovingly attending to the needs of the one with cancer. A foster mom facing the anguish of uncertainty with strength and a knowledge that the battle is not hers. More than one mom entrusting their sick or injured child to the One who is able and standing strong when it would be easier to fall apart.
I could keep going with the things I have observed – all reflections of the very true Source of light and love and strength. This blog is born out of a desire to encourage you – the women of Broomfield Assembly – and any others that may happen onto our website. I decided to call the blog “Reflections” because that is what I perceive you to be – reflections of Him.
Remember, the only thing that prevents the moon from shining is an eclipse – when something comes between it and the sun. Don’t let anything get between you and the Son! Keep shining!